Categoria: FAD (formazione e distanza)

Durata (ore): 4

Pursuant to art. 37 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and subsequent amendments, Legislative Decree no. 106/09, State-Regions Agreement, register of acts n. 221 / CSR, of 21.12.2011 and State-Regions Agreement, register of acts n. 128 / CSR, of 7.7.2016.

Programma del corso

The course intends to comply with the mandatory requirement (Art. 37 T.U. 81/08) for which all workers must receive sufficient and adequate safety training. The new agreement signed during the State Regions Conference on 21 December 2011 defined the training obligation of all workers present within the company organization. The course aims to provide participants with the insights and updates necessary to know the principles of the Prevention and Protection System adopted from the Companies and through which tools and strategies the worker is called to work to preserve the state of safety in the workplace. The course is delivered in e-learning mode for a duration of 4 hours, through the development of the modules, in addition to the time required for the intermediate and final verification.

Teknè Sicurezza e Formazione sul Lavoro s.r.l. ©2005-2025
Piazza Ragusa 60, 00182 Roma — Tel: 06.7029563

Iscrizione Registro Imprese RM-912378/1999 - Capitale sociale: € 80.000,00 i.v. - P. IVA e C.F. 05683131006